I had become quite accustomed to Lake Loons in New Hampshire; it seemed they were everywhere and everything (B&B, restaurants, general stores, etc.) was named after them. Even in Canada I was told that the $1 was called a "Looney" because of the engraving of the loon on one side. Their erie call was unmistakeable and I did enjoy hearing and watching them. However, I honestly didn't know they came to places like Arkansas during the winter or at least spent sometime here on their way to the coast. Also, the common Loon (Gavia immer) looks quite different in the winter; this one really fooled me. Notice how faded out their colors are compared to the summer plumage and all the white about the head. I assume they do not make the distinctive call during the winter months because I grew up on Lake DeGray and I never recall hearing a Loon.
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